Sunday, December 31, 2017

Recap- LEAST 2017

As I reflect back on this year,
I don't think my heart has ever been so filled with gratitude and awe
as I remember the miracles God has done
for the LEAST in 2017.

One thing I have learned in these 2 years in trying to
serve Christ in the poor through the LEAST
is that I can not do this alone...
I need others to share in the love of God
that I feel called to give and also need to receive...
and I need other generous hearts, hands & feet
to continue to do this work.

I am FOREVER grateful to those who made
the purchase of Casa Feliz possible-
each one of you who donated truly worked a miracle
for this humble village of San Lucas!

I am even more excited for 2018 to welcome whomever the Lord sends
to embark on the crazy journey of transforming Casa Feliz 
into the first center for the elderly in San Lucas.

We are one body in Christ
and all that LEAST accomplished in 2017 could not have been fulfilled
without so many generous people and loving hearts.

The attachment below is a 10-minute video
showing a recap of the work done for the LEAST this year.

Wishing each of you a healthy and fruitful 2018!
I can't wait to see what is in store!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Christmas Party 2017!

So this year, we decided to take the elderly out for a spin 
on Lake Atitlán again and enjoy lunch together out on the lake.

This year we had 2 bonuses:

We had AWESOME weather.....
and many people back in Minnesota collaborated
and sent down over 120 "ponchos" for the elderly to wear!

This year, we were given a yacht that could hold 300 people!
(We only had 115 people aboard this year):

Don't let their age fool you! 

The elderly were ready to board an hour early...
and it didn't matter if they were blind, 
in a wheelchair or walking with canes...
almost everyone came!

All my cooks and assistant cooks:

This year the lunch we provided was:
-2 "chuchitos" (a typical meal here which is similar to "tamales", but with meat inside)
-1 personal pineapple pie
-One soda drink

Everyone enjoyed the time on the lake, the company,
the food and the gifts!

Thank you to all those back in Minnesota who worked so hard
to provide these ponchos for the elderly...
Happy Advent and Christmas season to all!