Thursday, March 10, 2016

Walking in their shoes...

I have wanted to be a missionary since I was 12 years old...
 ever since my father brought me to Latin America 
and I saw the world and life in a whole new light.
It was then that I wanted to leave all my comforts
and give to those who have less than me.

But after more than 20 years pursuing this desire, I still question:
"What does it mean to be a missionary?!"

I used to think it was doing good things for others-
giving them things they "need" or offering them "treats" they never had.

Over time, I have learned that an important aspect of being a missionary
is realizing that you have been sent-
sent by someone to do their follow their agenda.

But, if I reflect a little deeper about this...
and if I have been "sent" by the Lord to follow in His footsteps,
then I need to embody not only what He did with His hands,
but also what He did with His Heart.

And what He did was become one of us.

He took on our flesh, our sins, and our life.
He understood our weaknesses, our pain, our struggles  
and by being "tested through what He suffered,
He is able to help those who are being tested." (-Hebrews 2:18)

So maybe being a missionary isn't so much in the "doing"
but maybe there is also a great role and importance in the "being"...

This past weekend, we have had a few elderly who are suffering in their souls...
they are distressed and crying over domestic problems,
they are lonely and have lost their purpose for living,
or they are mourning over deceased children...

I have found that my role in being a "missionary" is not only feeding them,
but having the Heart of Christ and accompanying them...
putting myself in their shoes...
feeling their distress and pain...
offering them the little that I have: 
my heart and my desire to show them they are not alone.

Let us continue to take moments in our busy lives 
to share with others our time, our hearts.

We all form the Body of Christ and each time we share the little we can offer, 
we console the Heart of Christ
and build up / make the members His Body stronger...

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