Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fr. Brian's Construction Group- Day 1 & 2

This week we are busy
with an awesome group from western Minnesota
(and some also from Nebraska, South Dakota,
Iowa & North Carolina)!

On Monday (while the group was traveling)
I was able to do a kitchen with 2 other Guatemalan workers
for an elderly lady (Candelaria) who struggles with diabetes
and who receives little financial support from her family.

(Above photos: Candelaria & the old kitchen)

(Above photo: new kitchen)

On Tuesday, my Guatemalan workers and I were joined
by 4 hard working women with beautiful smiles...

 Despite the rain (and REALLY stubborn wood that didn't want to be nailed!)
we got through the day making great memories 
and getting half the house finished!

Today we had 10 awesome workers that finished the house by noon!

(Above: Old house)
(Below: New house)

Giving thanks for all who are here serving with their hands
and to all those who are afar serving us with their hearts and prayers...
we feel the love and the support and are so thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Great work be all. Hugs and prayers. Please let me know if there is any thing I can do a collection for.
