Saturday, August 8, 2015

2 Projects done within 4 hours!

We finished the remaining 2 projects in one day again!
It seems unexplainable to me how the group could rebuild this kitchen
in only one morning....

Project #3 was to rebuild Nicolasa's kitchen (pictured on the right).

Nicolasa is an 82-year old widow (now blind)
who lives with her 5 children, (who also have their own children)...
which makes a grand total of 32 grandchildren living with her!!!!
I'm not kidding!

Here's the timeline of how the rebuilding went...

Wednesday took the group
(working alongside Nicolasa's family)
30 minutes to demolish the old kitchen...

The remains...

Thursday 7:30 am: Moving and unloading the new materials to Nicolasa's house...

9 am: Building has begun...

12 pm: Nicolasa's kitchen is only 3 hours!

While one group was working on Nicolasa's kitchen,
another group was beginning the work on Rosa's new kitchen...

Rosa (pictured below on the right) is an 80 year old widow who lives with one of her sons.  
Rosa has so many aches and pains that she is unable to leave her house.

Since Rosa spends most of her time in her kitchen,
we wanted to leave it more dignified so that she can 
spend the rest of her days reminded of the love God has for her 
and for all those who may feel "poor" and abandoned.
We are not alone!

Thursday 9:30 am: Loading up Rosa's new kitchen materials...

10 am: Unloading the materials and beginning to demolish the old kitchen...

10:15 am:  Kitchen is demolished.
Again, I am not kidding!!!!  This group had incredible energy!

Rosa standing by watching the progress...excited and feeling blessed!

12:30 pm:  Rosa's kitchen making progress...

3:30 pm: Rosa's kitchen is finished!

Many, many thanks to the MN group that made this possible
with their generous donations and incredible energy!  
Also many thanks to the incredibly talented workers from San Lucas...
we all had a blast working together
and to me, it is such a joy not because we built material dwellings...
but because we really reached out to the "least" of the Lord's brothers...
and in that, we were touching and loving HIM!

And of course, what would be a summary of our second day's work
without adding the "random" moments that were hilarious?!

Volunteer Mary Clare and I were the gophers that had to run out 
and get anything that was lacking...

This included nails, screws, hinges, or chimneys (pictured above)...

... or 10 feet-long wooden planks (pictured above)
or 12 foot beams (pictured below).

As you can note, the random van from Wednesday was retired,
so the adventure had to continue with the "tuc tucs" (taxis) here in San Lucas. 

Fun times!

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to joyfully work together
for Your Kingdom and Glory!

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